# humanstxt.org/ # The humans responsible & technology colophon # TEAM Sarah Holland -- Director Juanita Johnson -- Collections Manager Trevor Isaac -- Education and Collections Assistant Joseph Isaac -- Business Manager Ms. Karen Duffek -- Content Advisor Kaleb Child -- Educational Consultant Verna Ambers -- Educational Consultant Marion Hunt -- Educational Consultant Molly Dawson -- Educational Consultant Irene Isaac -- Kwak'wala Language Consultants Donna Cranmer -- Kwak'wala Language Consultants Pewi Alfred -- Kwak'wala Language Consultants Darin Freitag -- Project Design and Development, Managing Director -- @synthetweet Cora Cohlmeyer -- Project Design and Development, Art Director -- @cora_marie Jonathan Cohlmeyer -- Project Design and Development, Technical Director -- @jcohlmeyer # THANKS Name: Ministère du Patrimoine canadien | Department of Canadian Heritage Name: Musée virtuel du Canada | Virtual Museum of Canada # TECHNOLOGY COLOPHON Last update: 2014/05/09 Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Components: Normalize.css, jQuery, Modernizr, OrbitVU, kRpano, Picturefill, Screenfull, Iconic, ImagesLoaded, jQuery Mobile Software: Photoshop, Coda, Illustrator