Colour photograph of dancer in whale mask, green robe, potlatch setting in big house, totem pole in background.

Gilakas’la, Welcome to Living Tradition

Learn About The Potlatch

Elder Agnes Alfred appears at the right of the image. She is looking down at a headdress that she holds in her hands.
“ The potlatch was given to us to be our way of expressing joy.” - Agnes Alfred, Alert Bay, 1980

The Meaning of U'mista

Young male dancer in black face paint wearing regalia comprised of a fur cape and thunderbird frontlet with cedar bark trim.
“ Our connection to the past is unbroken.” — Barbara Cranmer

Learn About our People

Installation photograph of the Potlatch Gallery showing a row of masks.
“ It is like a storage box, like a box of treasures the old people used to have...”

Explore the Potlatch Gallery

Two weather dancers in white wool and fur regalia, fur headdress and face paint, standing in a forest.
“ It is a strict law that bids us dance.” — Chief of the Kwagu’ł, 1886

Learn About Our Land

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