Image of the south side of the Potlatch Gallery showing a collection of potlatch regalia mounted against the wall. Image of the south-west corner of the Potlatch Gallery showing a group of masks. Image shows a darkened corner of the Potlatch Gallery with a group of Numaml masks on the left. View of the North wall corner towards the centre and south wall of the Potlatch Gallery.

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Tła’sala - Peace Dance

The Tła’sala is sometimes called the Peace Dance or Chiefs’ Dance because rival chiefs would often perform this dance to show that their dispute had been resolved. Eagle down is shaken from their headdresses, symbolizing peace as it floats through the air. Today, the Tła’sala is the second dance series of a Potlatch, with the first part being the T´seka, or Red Cedar-bark Ceremonies. In earlier times, when potlatches could go on for weeks or months, the Tła’sala and the T´seka would never be shown together. Tła’sala is more light-hearted and no cedar bark is used. Like all potlatch privileges, you need the right to display the Tła’sala.