Four men unwrap a large pink blanket to reveal the performer from the woods hunched down low, and still dressed in the costume that covers his entire body in fur-like hair, moss and tree branches. His face is covered in a ceremonial mask with long dark hair. The men encourage him and he slowly begins to straighten and stand as if lured by the drumbeat and the men’s encouragement.
Keeping his masked face lowered, he moves slowly and deliberately as if taking in his surroundings. A man shakes a rattle to lure him forward. He touches the sand covered floor and inhales the scent, then looks around as if continuing to explore his new environment.
In a forested area a First Nations man wears a large and elaborate ceremonial mask. It’s carved from wood into a bird’s head with a long beak, and painted black, white and deep red. Straw and feathers create the illusion of plumage.
Now inside the high-ceiling, wood frame ‘bighouse’, a First Nations group is gathered. In the center of a circle four men sit around a roaring fire, each with an elaborate ceremonial animal mask. They rise and march around the fire moving as if inhabiting the animal totem itself. The mouths of the masks open and shut.
Now back in nature, the man in the bird mask moves through the woods.